
What is subluxation?

  1. A misaligned spinal bone (vertebrae) which causes compression, tension, irritation, and damage to the Central Nerve System
  2. Causes interference of the Central Nerve System
  3. Causes the organs and muscles of the body to malfunction and heal poorly due to the interference they create in the Central Nerve System

What are its results?

Malfunction in the body and poor healing resulting in lowered resistance to infection, allergies, illness, and disease.

Subluxations are caused by a lifetime of stress and trauma. Slips, falls, auto accidents, sports injuries, poor posture, bad sleeping habits, stress at work, or even childhood mishaps and the birth process itself can cause the spinal cord to move out of its normal position.

The Central Nerve System totally controls all functions and healing in the body. The most common and likely way to interfere with the Central Nerve System is any abnormal position of the spine or subluxation.

Symptoms are the body’s warning signals that something has been malfunctioning for some time and has needed attention. In most cases, subluxation is present without symptom or warning. Usually, subluxation has existed for many years by the time a symptom arrives.

The purpose of a chiropractic evaluation in our office is to find if subluxation is intefering with your Central Nerve System causing malfunction.

If we find subluxation on your exam, nerve tests, and or X-ray studies, we can help you!